Human Resources Initiatives
Human capital
P | D | C | A |
Targets for 2023 | Results in 2023 | Achievement | Targets for 2024 |
Maintenance of employment rate of persons with disabilities of 2.4% or higher | Employment rate of persons with disabilities: 2.48% |
★★★ | Achieve a minimum 2.5% employment rate of persons with disabilities |
Promotion of women's participation and (Period: Five years between April 1, 2021 to
★★ |
Promotion of women's participation and (Period: Five years between April 1, 2021 to
Promotion of the prevention of lifestyle-related diseases
★★ |
Implement disease prevention measures and raise health awareness
Our approach to human investment
In today’s rapidly changing business environment, productivity improvement and innovation creation are essential for companies to survive. The Toagosei Group believes that the source of value creation is human resources, and we are working to develop human resources, promote diversity, enhance engagement, and promote health management with the aim of realizing an organizational culture in which employees and the company grow together.
Under the 2025 Medium-Term Management Plan (2023-2025), we will develop human resources who can accurately grasp changes in the environment and take on challenges, think independently and act independently. We will actively invest in human resources to create an environment in which diverse human resources can demonstrate their abilities and experience success and growth, leading to sustainable value enhancement.

Securing and developing human resources
Recruiting Activities
Our group actively hires both new graduates and experienced personnel to lead our growth strategy.
Although we have a diverse range of employees, we are looking for individuals who have the passion and tenacity to think independently, tackle challenges, and work through them to the end. For this reason, we place emphasis on interviews during the selection process, and our criteria are based on whether the applicant is someone who can play an active role in our group in the future, rather than on his or her academic background or past achievements.
New Graduate Recruit Retention Rate (after Three Years) for the Previous Five Years

Human Resource Development Policy and System
In our mid-term management plan, we have identified the expansion of overseas business development, strengthening of R&D capabilities, and promotion of digital transformation (DX) as key measures.
To this end, we are focusing on developing human resources who can work overseas, who can create new value through interaction with different industries, and who can use their digital skills to promote business innovation.
We also strive to create an environment in which each employee can take responsibility for his or her own growth and contribute to the development of the company and society.
Human Resource Development System Chart

Development of Young Employees
The period up to the third year of employment is a priority period for the development of young employees. During this period, we nurture human resources who can think independently, involve others, and act autonomously. To this end, we provide training by job level to help them acquire the necessary abilities, such as basic skills for working adults, in a step-by-step manner. In addition, learning with their peers provides an opportunity to discover their strengths, challenges, and areas for improvement.
Career Autonomy Support
The Group provides career autonomy support so that each employee can develop his or her own career vision and take action to achieve it.
Since 2018, we have been conducting career training by job level and expanding the number of employees eligible for this program every year.
In 2023, we also created an environment where employees can have career consultations with qualified national career consultants.
We also provide support for self-development so that employees can choose to acquire the necessary skills on their own.
In addition to subsidizing the costs of e-learning, correspondence courses, English language learning applications, and public seminars, we also promote the acquisition of public qualifications through a qualification acquisition support system to improve the skills of our employees.
Specialized education
Specialized education
We have specialized technical education staff that pursue
education across the Group.
In technical education, we promote a wide range of education from basic to practical, including acquisition of basic knowledge through classroom lectures and e-learning, understanding of process principles through simulated experience using an operation simulator, and practical training using instruments, equipment, and mini-plants.
Through these efforts, we strive to strengthen our ability to detect signs of abnormality, respond to abnormalities, and analyze and investigate the causes of problems.
In classroom lectures, students are not simply passively listening to lectures, but are encouraged to actively participate in discussions and exchanges of opinions among themselves.
In safety and health education, we use VR and simulation equipment to improve safety awareness and sensitivity through hands-on safety training, and promote the development of human resources and the transfer of technology and skills to ensure continued safe and stable operations.

Mini-plant training (pipe replacement)
Training in Japan for local staff of Toagosei(Thailand)Co., Ltd.

Training at the plant
From April 24 to 28, 2023, seven staff members of the Polymer Production Department of Toagosei Thailand participated in a training program at Toagosei (Head Office, Nagoya Plant, and Hirono Plant).
The purpose of this training was to compare operation and maintenance management with each plant, learn the good points of each, and find areas for improvement. As a result, we were able to meet the same management standards as in Japan, but it became clear that the maintenance cycle needed to be strengthened in the harsh, hot and humid environment unique to Thailand.
After the training, we reviewed our maintenance plan and are now making the most of it to ensure stable operations.
It was also a good experience for me to learn about the customs and ways of thinking of the disciplined Japanese people, and it has had a positive effect on my own efforts to improve my daily work environment and my attitude toward safety. We hope to make the most of this valuable experience in the future.
In 2024, we are planning to conduct training in Japan for the R&D, Quality Assurance, and Environmental Safety Departments of Toagosei Thailand to further improve quality.