Diversity Promotion

The Toagosei Group strives to provide fair and equitable treatment that takes human rights into consideration and to create an environment in which a diverse range of employees can play an active role.
Global Human Resources
As we accelerate our overseas expansion, we believe it is essential to develop global human resources and encourage their active engagement.
In expanding our Group’s production and sales bases around the world, local hires will be key to the development of our overseas bases. As a member of the Group, we are working to share our corporate philosophy and foster a sense of unity in an effort to increase loyalty and motivation.
For employees in Japan, it is necessary to improve their language skills, which are essential for global business development, and we also provide support for improving language skills.
In addition, in order to instill the need for globalization and cross-cultural understanding throughout the organization, we are actively working to have young employees experience working overseas, and we expect that increasing the number of human resources with overseas business experience will lead to improved corporate performance over the medium to long term.
Training for Local Hires

Toagosei Thailand employees listening to a message from the President of Toagosei
Toagosei (Thailand) Co., Ltd. conducted training for local hires in 2022. Participants reaffirmed the Group’s corporate philosophy and discussed how to act to make their workplace a gathering of people full of vitality and energy.
Action Plan Based on the Act on Promotion of Women’s Participation and Advancement in the Workplace
Since 2016, we have set "promotion of women's activities" as one of our key CSR goals, and have been focusing on creating a system that enables women to fully demonstrate their abilities.
For the five years from 2021, we have set the following goals as our general business owner action plan based on the Law for the Promotion of Women's Activity.
- Annual female hiring ratio of 30% or more among new career-track employees, 20% or more among general service employees
- Increase in the percentage of female managers to at least 5% by January 1, 2026
- Retention rate of at least 90% as of March 31, 2026 for new female hires in general service employment
In addition, to create an environment in which diverse human resources can play an active role regardless of gender, we will conduct training to raise awareness in the organization and hold in-house social events for female employees.
Percentage of newly hired female graduates in the last 5 years

Percentage of female managers in the last 5 years

Expand work areas for women
Since 2015, we have been assigning women to our manufacturing sites and expanding the number of women in our workforce. Based on the idea that a workplace where women can work comfortably is a workplace where all employees can work comfortably, progress is being made in reducing workloads and improving the workplace environment.
In 2023, we built a new rest area during on-site work equipped with a sofa bed and relocated operation valves located at high elevations to a lower position.
In addition, we will conduct interviews with women assigned to manufacturing sites and strive to create a comfortable working environment not only in terms of facilities but also in terms of awareness.
Active senior employees
In 2013, We introduced a mandatory retirement age of 65, extending the retirement age from 60 to 65.
In order to support more active and autonomous career development of senior human resources, we provide career training for employees in their 50s. During the training, participants look back on their past experiences, organize the knowledge and skills they have acquired, and reexamine their own values. Based on this, participants consider how they would like to work and where they would like to be in the future, and take a step forward toward their career visions.
Employment of Persons with Disabilities
Our Group includes 49 people with disabilities, ranging broadly in age from their 20s to 60s, and working in 35 departments across the country.
In order to support the independence of people with disabilities, we have made efforts to expand employment by promoting job development, etc., and the employment rate of people with disabilities for the entire group as of the end of 2023 is 2.48%.
We are also working with employment support organizations and Hello Work to promote recruitment activities and the creation of a workplace environment in which people with disabilities can work with peace of mind.
We aim to create a workplace where diverse human resources, including people with disabilities, can feel more fulfilled in their work than ever before.
Employment rate of persons with disabilities in the last 5 years

Promotion of Work-life Balance
Flexibility in the way we work
We encourage our employees to actively take annual paid leave, and the annual paid leave utilization rate of our Group has remained high since 2016.
In addition, we are continuously working to curb long working hours, and in 2024 we will introduce an "interoffice interval system" to ensure at least 11 hours of rest between the end of the workday and the start of the next day's work.
We have also promoted the development of various systems in the belief that promoting flexible work styles among employees will lead to the development of an autonomous corporate culture and improved productivity.
We have established a "telework system" that allows employees to choose to work from home or other locations in one-hour increments up to 10 times a month, and an "annual leave by the hour system" that allows employees to take their annual paid leave in one-hour increments, thereby promoting flexibility in the way employees work and take time off.
Annual Paid Leave Usage

*National average leave utilization rate: Comprehensive Survey of Working Conditions (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare)
*The Company allows employees to keep annual paid leave that has passed the statutory expiration date (up to 40 days), and this figure includes the number of such leave taken in the calculation.
*Scope of coverage: Toagosei (consolidated and domestic)
Support in balancing work with parenting/nursing care
Since 2021, we have conducted annual employee awareness surveys on "job satisfaction" and "ease of working," and have expanded our support system for balancing work and childcare/nursing care. As a result of these efforts, in 2023, we were certified by the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare as a "company that supports child-rearing" (Kurumin certification).
In terms of support for balancing work and childcare, we have made changes to allow employees to extend their childcare leave until the end of March after the child reaches the age of three, at the maximum, if the child is unable to enter a daycare center. In addition, the scope of shortened working hours for childcare has been expanded to include children in the third grade of elementary school or younger.
As part of support for balancing work and nursing care, we have abolished the limit on the period of shortened working hours for nursing care and increased the number of days granted for nursing care leave to 20 days per year. In addition, we have established a financial support system under which a certain percentage of compensation is paid by the company for a portion of the nursing care leave period.

In 2024, we will add "assisting family members with hospital visits" and "infertility treatment" to this system, thereby creating a system that can respond to a wide range of life events in addition to childcare and nursing care.
Spousal transfer leave system and re-entry system
We have established a "Spouse Overseas Transfer Leave System" that allows employees accompanying their spouses on overseas transfers to take a leave of absence for up to three years, and two employees had used this system by 2023; from 2024, the system will be expanded to cover employees accompanying domestic and overseas transfers, allowing for more flexible response to employees' family circumstances.
In addition, we have established a "re-entry system" to treat retired employees as candidates for reemployment if they wish to return to work for the Company.
From 2023, this system will be available not only for family reasons such as childcare or nursing care, but also for career advancement such as job change or higher education, thus creating an environment where a diverse range of human resources can continue their careers.