Social Contributions

The Toagosei Group actively engages in a number of corporate citizenship activities.

Corporate Citizenship Activities

The Toagosei Group actively engages in a number of corporate citizenship activities, including supporting amateur sports as the official sponsor of the T League premier table tennis league of Japan and providing charitable donations to benefit areas impacted by major natural disasters.

Community Cleanup and Conservation of Biodiversity

The Group's business sites regularly take part in activities for maintaining greenery and cleaning up surrounding communities. We participate in forest conservation activities, including the corporate afforestation program of Aichi Prefecture, the collaborative afforestation program of Tokushima Prefecture and Fushiki Fureai Forest run by Takaoka City, Toyama Prefecture. We also take part in river and seashore cleanup activities, such as the Tsurumi River Cleanup Campaign run by the City of Yokohama.

Coexistence with Local Communities and Engagement

The Group's business sites actively engage local communities, such as by participating in, sponsoring, and providing monetary donations for local events, promoting exchanges with local residents and local organizations, and hosting plant tours. Also, we support local sports by opening our company-owned gymnasiums and grounds to local community members and hosting volleyball and softball tournaments. Toagosei's Nagoya Plant has published a community newsletter called Seiryu biannually since 2014 to share information with surrounding communities. We sponsor TOHOKU HOUSE, a project launched in 2020 to promote the Tohoku region and Niigata. Toagosei also supports development of tourism and regional vitalization.

Fostering the Next Generation

The Group's business sites actively foster and support young people who will lead Japan in the future. These initiatives include offering internships for students of technical colleges or universities, plant tours for students of elementary, junior high, and high schools, and participation in local events with booths for experiments and handicrafts for elementary, junior high, and high school students. Since 2016, Toagosei has been donating to the Tobitate! (Leap for Tomorrow) Young Ambassador Program , a collaborative initiative between the government and the private sector that supports study abroad, which was established by the Japan Student Services Organization.