Respect for Human Rights and Diversity

The Toagosei Group conducts fair and proper treatment with consideration for human rights and strives to develop an environment where its diverse workforce can actively participate.

Human Rights Policy

The Group has formulated the Toagosei Group Human Rights Policy (Japanese version only) as its top-level policy on human rights, under which it promotes initiatives to respect human rights.
This policy applies to all officers and employees of the Group. We expect that our business partners, including suppliers, will also support the principles of this policy.
In addition, in order to engage in procurement with an emphasis on sustainability, we have formulated the Sustainable Procurement Guidelines for our business partners containing the Group's approach to procurement.

Measures for Human Rights and Harassment

The Toagosei Group respects basic human rights and creates an environment that respects the individuality of its diverse workforce, including the seniors, employees with young children, and foreign nationals, and allows them to utilize their skills. We have established employment rules that prohibit sexual harassment, power harassment, and maternity harassment. We are also working to raise awareness towards human rights to prevent behaviors that are discriminatory or violate on human rights by holding lectures and training for all employees, including those in managerial positions. In addition, we have established a point of contact both internally and externally for filing reports. In the case that a human rights violation has been identified, investigation is conducted by a committee consisting of members including external experts, and corrective actions are promptly taken.

Employment of People with Disabilities and Seniors

The Toagosei Group is working to increase employment of persons with disabilities in order to support the independence of people with disabilities. We have maintained a higher employment rate than the legally mandated employment rate of 2.2%, and we will continue to enhance our workplace environment for people with disabilities to work with peace of mind. Additionally, the Toagosei Group is taking a proactive approach to enhance policy on hiring elderly employees given revisions to the pension system and other factors. In April, 2013, we revised the retirement age from 60 to 65 years old in response to a change in the age of start of public pension benefits. We are working to utilize the skills of the senior generation.

Promoting Active Roles for Women in the Workplace

The Toagosei Group listed "Promotion of active participation by women" as a CSR goal in 2016. Since then, we have been developing a system to enable women to fully harness their potential. The development of a fulfilling work environment for women not only benefits women, but extends to all employees, thereby allowing everyone the opportunity to fully demonstrate their abilities. We expect this to lead to improved productivity and creation of innovation through diverse values, which will contribute to the sustained growth of the company. We are improving the workplace environment and revising structures as well as expanding job areas in departments with fewer female employees, such as manufacturing and sales, to eliminate the potential for them to leave work or give up on a promotion because they are female.

Initiatives to Achieve Work-Life Balance

The Toagosei Group aims to achieve work-life balance among all employees. We are taking measures to control long working hours to encourage a mutually positive influence between work and personal lives. Specific measures include the introduction of a no overtime day in 2011, encouragement to take annual paid leave, and reduction of scheduled working hours for full-time daytime employees by 15 minutes in 2015. Also, in 2017 we developed a system to visualize the amount of time spent at work through the introduction of an IC-card access gate.