Toagosei Group Code of Conduct

  1. 1.Mission

    We will contribute to the development of a sustainable society by developing and supplying safe products and services that benefit society and contribute to a more comfortable living environment.

  2. 2.Respect for Human Rights

    We will respect the human rights of all people.

  3. 3.Compliance with Rules

    We will comply with laws and regulations inside and outside of Japan, their spirit, and company rules, and act responsibly with a high degree of ethical values and conscience. We will maintain sound relationships with political parties and governments, and engage in fair and open competition when doing business with suppliers following appropriate business practices.

  4. 4.Communication

    We will disclose information required by society in a timely manner and in an easy-to-understand manner, and strive to develop and maintain relationships of trust with all stakeholders through constructive dialogue.

  5. 5.Co-existence with the International Community

    We will comply with the laws of countries as a member of international community and contribute to the sustainable development of local community based on respect for their customs and practices.

  6. 6.Combating of Anti-social Forces

    We will take a resolute stance against all anti-social forces and groups that threaten public order and safety.

  7. 7.Social Contributions

    We will actively contribute to the countries and local communities where we operate as a good corporate citizen with a global perspective.

  8. 8.Harmony with the Environment

    We will independently and actively work to address environmental issues for the sustainable development of society.

  9. 9.Workplace Environment

    We will respect the diversity, personalities and characteristics of employees and provide working styles that maximize their skills. In addition, we will work to form a safe and comfortable workplace by achieving comfort and fulfillment for employees.

  10. 10.Crisis Management

    We will develop an organized crisis management structure to prepare for contingencies that could affect corporate activities. If a contingency were to occur, we will act in accordance with company rules and strive to minimize damages.

  11. 11.Fulfillment of this Code of Conduct

    Fully aware that fulfillment of this Code of Conduct is its responsibility, management will establish an effective governance structure and ensure thorough corporate ethics of the entire Group. If a violation of the Code of Conduct were to occur, we will strive to resolve the situation, identify the cause, and prevent recurrences in a form that is fully understood by society as well.